Gifts from Brazil
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Looking for some unique gift ideas? Browse our selection of Pau Brazil Amazon seed jewelry & visit often to check out all the new goods we bring back from our adventures in Brazil!
We love traveling to Brazil, where we search far and wide for ethnic/tribal jewelry & artisans who are creating unique Brazilian designs with traditional plant materials.
We're committed to Fair Trade, buying these beads directly from the Tupi Guarani indians. This is a great opportunity to acquire an authentic piece of material culture from this rapidly vanishing tribe (Brasil has approx. 328,000 remaining indians. Of which, 197,000 live in the Amazon). The remaining members of the Mbya Guarani (a subgroup of the Tupi Guarani) still inhabit the interiors of the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana and Mato Grosso.